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The Tao of Montessori

Reflections on Compassionate Teaching

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Whether you are familiar with the writings of sixth century philosopher Lao Tzu or are simply ready to explore a refreshingly contemplative perspective on children and teaching, you'll find this unique work a masterpiece of profound thought and relevance.

Montessori teacher Catherine McTamaney revisits each of Lao Tzu's eighty-one verses in the context of the lives and works of Montessori educators and parents.

Lao Tzu's verse 43 reads: Few in the world can comprehend / The teaching without words / Or understand the value of nonaction. Of this verse, McTamaney writes Wise Montessori teachers let the materials speak for themselves...When we have hushed our own voices, we can better hear the voices of the children.

Choose a verse, revel in its imagery, read the insightful correlations drawn between the verse and the lives of children and adults, then ponder it all in the context of your own life and teaching. A perfect gift for colleagues. Paperback, 162 pages.
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